Saturday, March 15, 2014

Raw Vegan Chocolate & Peanut butter Ice cream pie!

Okay... let's all just stop and reread that title again and stare at the picture. Yes, a chocolate and peanut butter ice cream pie, and yes, a raw vegan one. For those of you that don't know, raw vegan means no animal products (meat, milk, eggs etc.), and nothing goes above 118 degrees fahrenheit. By making things "raw," it retains vital nutrients like enzymes, vitamins, and minerals that would be lost otherwise. For all you non-believers out there, veganism isn't about restricting, it's about discovery and creativity. It's amazing to see what can be done with the simplest and most wholesome nutritious ingredients. This is evidence because this pie is decadent, rich, chocolatey, and oh so smooth! I almost thought it's was an unhealthy ice cream cake but then I realized healthy tastes good too (I hope you think this as well)! Oh and... It's the easiest thing to make, it takes like 20 minutes and I am one of the most dysfunctional person so it should be 15 minutes for you.

Imagine a day when you are craving something sweet, something rich, and something chocolatey. If that is everyday for you, this pie is perfect because it's frozen so it can stay in your freezer and you can eat as you like. Now don't freak out about the ingredients... The ice cream is made out of frozen bananas but it tastes amazing. When blended with medjool dates, cacao powder, almond milk (or another nut milk), and peanut butter, this transforms into a creamy and chocolatey ice cream... vegan style :). The crust is made out of medjool dates, cacao powder, chia seeds, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds but, you can just use any seed you like. All you need is a food processor or a blender... SO EASY! No using the oven, and no cleaning a bunch of different things!

Raw Vegan Chocolate and Peanut Butter Ice Cream Pie!
For the Crust:
-1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds
-about 1/3 cup raw flax seeds
- 2 tablespoons chia seeds
- 1 cup medjool dates (or more if you like it gooier!)
1. In a food processor, combine all the seeds and cacao powder, pulsing until a rough flour results. The flax seeds and chia seeds won't necessarily grind, the pumpkin seeds are the biggest concern.
2. After the seeds and powder are combined, add the dates and pulse until fully combined. It will come out into a dough like consistency because you will then press it into a pie pan.
3. Press into a pie pan, this will be your crust!

For the filling:
-3-4 frozen bananas
-4-5 tablespoons of cacao powder
-3/4 cup of medjool dates
-2 tablespoons of organic peanut butter
-4 tablespoons of almond milk (or any other nut milk of your preference)
1. In a food processor, process the cacao powder, peanut butter and almond milk.
2. One by one, add in a frozen banana until chunky.
3. Then add in the dates, pulsing until broken up.
4. After the mixture is chunky-ish, pulse and blend until fully combined and smooth. It will look like frozen yogurt, you might want to eat it now but hold back!
5. Pour into your crust and smooth the top.

Added touch:
I recommend getting some more peanut butter and swirling it onto the top of the pie or you can add sliced almonds. You could even add slices of strawberries! It's up to you but peanut butter is amazing on this pie!

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