Saturday, August 24, 2013

Honey vs. Raw Honey vs. Creamed Honey + DIY Creamed honey and goodness!

There was definitely one thing I knew when starting school... Writing posts would be the most difficult thing in between two AP classes, 1 honors class, and practice after school. It's been a stressful but exciting first two weeks! I'm really having to adjust my eating schedule and sleep schedule because it's a lot different compared to summer... Summer, how I miss you. :(
The days I can write something are usually Fridays because I don't have school on Saturdays! Plus, I have some great ideas that I've thought about throughout the whole week! Today, I will be covering an awesome topic... HONEY!

Alright so honey is magical in all possible ways. It's antibacterial (so much sugar suffocates the bacteria), anti-fungal, soothes sore throats, tastes awesome, it's very versatile, aids in digestion, great for the skin, prevents cancer, enhances athletic ability, and so forth. There's so many uses for honey and they all seem to have a positive affect on the body.

The honey that can be purchased at Costco, or any food store is usually filtered meaning that all the pollen, and enzymes are gone. This honey usually stays clear and doesn't crystallize but, I've noticed that sometimes it does. The liquid honey is due to pasteurization which kills a lot of nutrients. Raw honey is honey that is not filtered and has a white or lighter brown color. It's goopy at times and it's very easy to spread on toast and it tastes great! Usually, I'll have a spoonful of honey on a piece of toast with cinnamon in the mornings. Or I'll add some into a smoothie. It's versatile and tastes great!
The last type of honey that I know of is creamed honey. Creamed honey is white in color and very velvety smooth. It's unfiltered and spreadable like butter. Creamed honey gets its texture from a small crystalline structure. This stuff... is so good... This tastes amazing on toast or pastries and, you can make it at home!

Today, I'm going to share an easy way to make your own creamed honey. It's ridiculously simple and all you need are some reused jars or containers.

Creamed Honey
-1 bottle unfiltered honey... the liquid clear honey is fine too.
-creamed honey
-extra jar
-mixer, whisk, hand held mixer

  1. take your extra jar and pour the bottle of unfiltered honey into it. Try to use a spatula and get all that goodness in there.

2. Take your creamed honey and try to get in 9-10% of the creamed honey into the jar. Basically, 9-10% of what's already in the jar.
3. Taking your mixing tool, blend these two types of honey together very well until it's the same color and consistency. there should be no lumps at all
4. Now you just have to store your jar of mixed honey in a place around 50 degrees farenheit for a few days to a week. You'll know when it's done because it'll be firm but when you stir it it'll become runny and velvety. Good luck!
Yummy!! So good!

You can also infuse different flavors into these spreadable honeys. I took some creamed honey and mixed orange zest into it and it tastes amazing. It's really your imagination. You can put cinnamon, citrus, anything!
Orange Zest Creamed honey!

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